
Just Looking at Bees May Destroy Your Friendships

A: What a beautiful sky!

(A bee flies through)

B: Mornin' A!

A: Hi.

B: Why you see bee? (Critical grammatical errors)

A: Just a moment. What YUCB means? Is that a kind of abbreviation?

B: Oh, I'm saying "Why", "You", "See", "Bee?"

A: Yeah, I get it, I get it. I'm asking you the meaning.

B: Why you can't understand!? WHY YOU SEE BEE!!!

A: Are you kidding?

B: Now I get that. You are kidding me, right?

A: Ha. I'm serious. Try another way to express that.

B: Ah, that's a good idea. I should be calm right now. Ok, I am asking you the reason of your looking at a bee, a small honey bee.

A: AHA! Finally I get it!! Oh, I see!

B: Wait.

A: What?

B: You just said "OIC." What is the meaning?